5,500-Year-Old Giant’s Grave Unearthed in Romania with 10m High Skeleton

In the legends of the peoples of the world, there are stories about giants. Romania is located west of the Black Sea of Europe, this country has many legends about giants and the names of the giant races are also different.

Excavations in the 1970s yielded astonishing results. Rosia, a mountain town in Alba County, Romania, is a gold mining town in the mountains, where a shocking archaeological find was found beneath the village of Konia. Under the village there is an underground gallery built about 5,500 years ago, which is also the tomb of the giants.


This gallery is known as the “Gallery of Northern Pleasures” or Gallery 13 and was built by the Agathyrsi tribe, the prehistoric inhabitants of the Balkars.

Discovered a 5,500-year-old giant tomb in Romania and a skeleton 10m2 highDiscovered a skeleton up to 10 meters in length. (PH๏τo Oculto Revalado A Verdade)In 1976, a group of archaeologists also discovered a giant skeleton 10m high here, but this giant skeleton disappeared after being sent to Russia for examination and analysis.

Legend of the Romanian Giant

According to documents, the Romanian people once found some “terrible” human skeletons. These are tall skeletons unearthed at Scaieni, in the Buzaului Mountains. When local people planted apple trees on the hill, they accidentally discovered human skeletons more than 2.4 meters long lying next to broken pottery pieces.


Discovered a 5,500-year-old giant’s grave in Romania and a skeleton 10m3 . highTainita Mountains. Internet pH๏τosSince then, locals have ᴀssociated tartars with giants. According to them, the giant is said to be the author of two rows of underground corridors located somewhere below the Tainita Mountains.

When looking up at the Tainita Mountains, one could see a strange formation, resembling stone benches. Because they were discovered high above and in a very difficult to reach area, locals believe that the giant tartars built chairs to sit on.

Interesting findings about giants in Romania

In addition to this giant skeleton, since 1940, Romania has unearthed up to 80 giant skeletons and these skeletons are about 5m high. Then, in 1989, the skeletons of 20 giants were unearthed in the Rabada area of Pantelimon.

Many interconnected tunnels have been discovered under the Bucegi Mountains in this area, and there are even horrifying high-tech control rooms left by aliens in the center of the tunnels.

In addition, giant skeletons have been found in Buzau County, Klelaxi County, Pasani Mountain and other places in Romania. So, it is not an exaggeration to say that Romania is home to the giants of the Earth.

Some experts say these discoveries also allow people to reconsider historical views about human origins and that the theory of “evolution” prevents people from knowing the truth.

Discovered a 5,500-year-old giant tomb in Romania and a skeleton 10m4 highGiant skeletons unearthed. (Picture via Pinterest)The “peaceful land of the North” is recorded in ancient Greek literature, it was inhabited by the wind god “Hyperborea”, where the Sun is always shining, warm and a very beautiful land. Some ancient Greeks pointed out that this place was Thrace in the ancient continent of the Arctic.

With the discovery of prehistoric civilizations and even traces of aliens, people began to believe in the true existence of the “Northern Land of Peace”. But there are also people who think that the “Northern Peaceful Land” where the Sun is always shining does not actually have a specific location.

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