Do you remember when Emma Watson said that thing about how she’s not single, she’s simply “self-partnered”? That kind of devotion to self-love is really inspiring, especially on holidays like Valentine’s Day. So instead of doing a typical matching tattoo editorial today, we’re going to celebrate loving yourself with self-love tattoos.
So how do you go about cultivating self-love? A really perfect start is just by being kind to yourself. Allowing yourself to make mistakes, not comparing yourself to other people and even embracing your imperfections as aspects of your unique beauty. Many people will also tell you that getting tattoos helped them feel more confidence. This may partly be because self-expression can be cathartic!
This Valentine’s Day, we hope you treat yourself to some sweet stuff. For some of you this may mean bubble baths and yoga. Maybe it means binge watching your favorite T.V. show while munching on several Snickers, or maybe it means spending quality time with ur bff. Or maybe it means getting your own self-love tattoo, which we can definitely help but whatever “treat yourself” means for you, we know you deserve it.